

2022年03月27日 11:02:58 No.17301


投稿者 : garyham [URL]

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Apr 30, 2021 Here are the best guns you can use currently in COD Mobile. ... meta, with various weapons being popular for a particular duration of time. ... Locus is a bolt-action sniper rifle that has very high damage and can kill enemies with one shot ... How To Watch $25K Activision Creators Cup Warzone Tournament.... Jul 27, 2020 The SMGs are among the most powerful weapons in COD Modern Warfare and its battle royale component, Warzone. Continue reading for the.... That fact gives this build a theoretical time to kill of just 194 milliseconds, which is unheard of amongst automatic weapons. Even without headshots, this can still... 89fccdb993 garyham

Time-to-kill is mainly affected by two factors: RPM and damage. Higher RPM and/or damage will result in a faster TTK. Weapons with fastest TTK in MC5: 2. PR39.... Mar 5, 2021 The Mac-10 is still the best sub to run in the game, hands down. With it's speed and .... Sep 29, 2020 Challenge: 2 longshot kills using light machine guns in 25 different matches ... Challenge: Get 5 kills in a minute when using an Assault Rifle 25 times ... Again, Warzone isn't the best mode to get this done in, but it's certainly...

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