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Results 1 - 15 of 22 A rare year, 1928 Peace silver dollar value starts at $29. ... The 1944 steel wheat penny is worth between $75,000 and $110,000, depending on its condition, while the 1943 ... For one San Diego man, it could fetch millions.. ... a copper 1943 penny, depending on it's condition, it could be worth over a million dollars. ... These are 1954 wheat pennies worth money and expensive coins to look for. ... I have approximately 50 coins ( 1964 - 1969) Kendy Half Dollars. ... highly valued by collectors, as with the 1943 copper cents and 1944 steel cents.. According to the USA Coin Book, the collector's value of a 1944 copper Wheat Penny ranges from 9 cents to $3.79. The coin's grade determines its value to coin... 538a28228e sarleio
If you love rare pennies, the 1943 steel wheat penny is just one of many interesting ... about copper 1943 pennies being worth in excess of a million dollars. ... pennies weigh about 3. com/RARE 1944 Lincoln Cent Pennies Worth? https://youtu.. The Flowing Hair Silver/ Copper Dollar 1794/5 million. ... Roosevelt on the front and a torch onRare wheat pennies worth money - valuable coins in your 1280.... Mar 27, 2015 The first U.S. penny is 223 years old, and is also worth a lot more than one cent. It sold for nearly $1.2 million Thursday night at an auction in Baltimore. ... Another coin, an 1861 half-dollar made by the Confederate States of...