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Jan 1, 2015 It is popular because of the fact that NDS4iOS could in the recent past be downloaded on iOS 8 without jailbreak. That was before Apple.... Ive downloaded retroarch and I do have a download manager, i get the roms, send them to ifile and unrar, but anytime i choose an n64 game or psx game, then i... 538a28228e elvber
iEmulators lets you directly download great emulators for iPhone and iPad without the need to jailbreak. Get apps such as GBA4iOS, nds4ios, AirShou and more.... Nov 8, 2015 Step 6: Select the RetroArch (iOS 9) entry, tap Install, and then Confirm. ... Step 8: Tap Search again, and search for Automatic SSH and install that ... Good tutorial, sadly 1.5.0 is still not available for download through Cydia.