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Apr 25, 2015 Even Mother Teresa went through periods of spiritual drought. ... my body, mind and spirit were taking a beating daily, I couldn't feel him at all.. Apr 28, 2021 Contact a minister, spiritual leader or someone else in your faith community. If a loved one or friend is in danger of attempting suicide or has... 219d99c93a emmokha
Jun 8, 2015 When I came to Christ during college in the winter of 1998, the months following my conversion were a time of spiritual bliss. The glory of God.... It is a spiritual numbness that we experience just like we feel the lack of pain when pricked by a sharp needle in the physical realm. When we separate ourselves.... Aug 16, 2015 ... but we must not be lulled into complacency and spiritual numbness ... a constant battle within, a battle to stay spiritually alert and vibrant for...