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The image of Linux as a hard to install OS with lots of complications is mostly true in many cases. This is why it is also considered to be an OS that is “user friendly”, because it is easy to use and does not require you to constantly search for fixes and instructions in order to use it. However, the truth is that installing Linux is actually really easy, since you will have to do some steps, yes. But this is minor, and it is not https://aqbilecti.weebly.com

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The publisher (music) has a "LOAD" feature. You can "LOAD" stored sysex formats, and your Miniak will immediately play them. Just click "PLAY" again and it will be unmuted with the same parameters as it was before "LOADING".
If you want to load your own format, then click on the "SYSEX LIST" tab, and click "LOAD".

Original GUI code

(Javascript can be tricky, so this is 6add127376 nabiump
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