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記事を閉じる falchar 投稿者 : falchar  2022年06月04日 15:51:22 No.23989 URL
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Full-screen is recommended for getting a good view of the selected color. The interface is not exactly the simplest to navigate. Our only major issue with the application is that it requires the Adobe Flash Player to be installed.
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記事を閉じる zachwac 投稿者 : zachwac  2022年06月04日 15:49:39 No.23987 URL
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Download the tool and run it.
When it asks you the address for you to save it to, unless you're not sure, just select "C:\
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記事を閉じる giorlea 投稿者 : giorlea  2022年06月04日 15:24:30 No.23982 URL
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