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... you learn German adjectives, adjectives ending, list of adjectives in German, ... A pronoun in German as well as in English is like a shortcut to refer to a noun, ... that, his", In German pronouns use is governed by cases (nominative, accusative, ... which the object of a verb is being acted on by verb's subject), demonstrative,.... Oct 5, 2014 To extract the source from the PDF file, you can use the pdfdetach tool including in the poppler suite, or the http://www. ... Spielen, Machen and Other Verbs . ... 55.3 Grammatik 4-4 Personal Pronouns: Accusative Case . ... Study material (Lernen) in English and German to present lists of conceptually.. by T Eythrsson Cited by 89 here substitutes dative case for accusative with subjects of Experiencer verbs. A relatively ... As the list in (4) shows, the number of verbs taking accusative ... In German much variation in case assignment is documented throughout its history,. 67426dafae fynnfab
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